McKinley Joye Hughes

McKinley Joye Hughes

Thursday, December 1, 2011

She is here!!!

She is here!!!!! What a precious little angel.We are so glad everything went well and she made it here safe and sound. How cute is this picture, she has been smiling tons today she must be feeling better.
Max loves to sing Twinkle twinkle little star to his little sister to make her stop crying. It works everytime:)

At the Hospital....
First time Max saw his BABY KINLEY!!! He was so gentle and just rubbed her head and kissed her forhead. It was so fun when he came.

6 lbs 14 oz 18 inches long, black hair, big blue eyes, dark hairy skin:) Must take after Grandpa Lee.
Ready and alert waiting to go home to Mesquite.
Daddy loved the outfit and bow that we put on you.

My labor was awesome!!! 4 1/2 hours and about twenty minutes of pain and that was enough for me then the epideral came and It was smooth sailing from there. Everything was great and we are so blessed everybody was safe and healthy through it all. Thanks sister for coming down for a couple of days to play with Max. We love you.

little monster

Isn't she the cutest little thing!!!! What a stinker... but I love her anyway I just hopes she snaps out of that hysterical screaming fits.

So here is McKinley she is one month old on the 11Th and every time I try to get some good photos this is what she does.

Wait here is a good one, she is starting to fill out in the face and arms, she is getting big so fast. She is getting so cute!!!! We love her so much. Max likes to wake her up we need to work on that one.

After her first bath. so loved being in the hot water and she loves getting her hair washed and her temples rubbed just like her mom.


This is the cute pink bow that I love and Rusty takes off every time I put it on her. Look at how nice she is in these pictures.Me and my precious baby! She is so big huh!McKinley has started to smile back at us. I caught a little bit on camera for you all. She is getting so stinkin big. She is a different baby now she is on Prevacid. Thanks Erin for the tip it has been life changing since she has had that. Thank goodness it helped.

July 4th 2011

McKinley Joye Hughes was blessed on July 4Th 2010! She looked absolutely adorable in her white little dress. She was such a good girl and slept all through the blessing and didn't make a peep. What a good girl I was so nervous she was going to cry the whole time.
Proud little momma!!!
Thanks for my fam for traveling down to the blessing
Us with Grandma and Grandpa Lee. Rusty blessed the baby and did a beautiful job. He is so awesome i just love him.

My cute mom and baby. Look at Kinley she looks so good looking right at the camera.

The Mesquite fireworks were great. We went to the baseball Fields and watched them from there. It was so nice hardly anyone was there. We lay ed on the damp grass and it was so nice and refreshing with the breeze it felt so cool. The kids loved watching the fireworks and had fun chasing each other all around the field.
Cooper and Kinley loved them too, she was totally watching them I think.
My cute mother and sister!!! I was so excited to spend a Holiday with them. It has been awhile, we got to swim together, eat out for dinner, we went to Eclipse together, and it was all so much fun. Thanks for coming down we love you!!
Me and my boys laying down waiting for the fireworks to start.

We did lots of swimming at the hotel while the family was down the kids loved it they had a blast with the squirt guns, footballs and chicken fights. This is the only picture I got I'm lame. Max is getting pretty good at swimming with his head under cause of swim lessons they were awesome. Max, Easton, and Brighten had so much fun playing and swimming and watching fireworks together.We took the baby the second day and put her in to her ankles she loved it so after that we put her in up to her bum. She didn't really love that but she loved having her toes in. So cute!!

So big

What a happy little girl with her favorite baby doll. When you hold it up to her and shake it, it jingles and her hands and feet start to go crazy. I love her face when she smiles it just is so stinkin cute.

Summer 2011

Kinley loves the pool and her new floaty. She is so dang cute she just will sit
in that thing so content and doesn't make a peep. She loves the water. It's so nice and warm that she will play for like a half hour before she gets sick of it.

Kinley 3 Months

It is so crazy my baby is already 3 months. Man how they grow so fast. The other day she had her Dr. Appt and it was so crazy how she has grown.....
Weight: 12.7 lbs 68% in her eight....what a chunk-o. She has finally got the rolls going on in the thigh area. It's so funny she has these big thighs and tiny little calf's just like her mom.

Length: 25.5 inches long this is awesome 99% in her height.... she is stink in long just like her daddy. I love it! she can live my dream of being an awesome volleyball player:)

Head circumference: 15.4 inches 34%.... tiny head she is going to look just like Rusty.

* You are starting to interact so much with everyone. You laugh and coo and get such cute smile on your face when your family talks to you.
* You are getting better at your sleeping patterns we can handle this 7 hour stretch just fine:)
* You have dark hair and nice darker skin. Beautiful blue eyes and long torso and legs.
* You are so stinking cute and we love you so much.