McKinley Joye Hughes

McKinley Joye Hughes

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Summer 2011

Kinley loves the pool and her new floaty. She is so dang cute she just will sit
in that thing so content and doesn't make a peep. She loves the water. It's so nice and warm that she will play for like a half hour before she gets sick of it.

Kinley 3 Months

It is so crazy my baby is already 3 months. Man how they grow so fast. The other day she had her Dr. Appt and it was so crazy how she has grown.....
Weight: 12.7 lbs 68% in her eight....what a chunk-o. She has finally got the rolls going on in the thigh area. It's so funny she has these big thighs and tiny little calf's just like her mom.

Length: 25.5 inches long this is awesome 99% in her height.... she is stink in long just like her daddy. I love it! she can live my dream of being an awesome volleyball player:)

Head circumference: 15.4 inches 34%.... tiny head she is going to look just like Rusty.

* You are starting to interact so much with everyone. You laugh and coo and get such cute smile on your face when your family talks to you.
* You are getting better at your sleeping patterns we can handle this 7 hour stretch just fine:)
* You have dark hair and nice darker skin. Beautiful blue eyes and long torso and legs.
* You are so stinking cute and we love you so much.

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