McKinley Joye Hughes

McKinley Joye Hughes

Thursday, December 1, 2011

16 months Kinley

My precious little MONKEY, my Kinley BUG, give me a HUG, crazy DAISY, lovey DOVEY, sweet as HONEY, cutie PIE!!!!!
How sweet is this little girl. She is getting so big I can't believe it. Time is going way to fast. My sweetie is 16 months and I haven't kept up on her pics very good so I needed to post all the cute and crazy things about her. Kinley playing in the rain making foot and hand prints on the cement.
Playing on the back porch after being out on the lake for the day.

You can see that she kinda has funny hair. I can't get her to wear any bows and she will just pull it out after two seconds so I leave her hair always looking like this.

This is when it gets really bad. LOL!!!! I really don't leave it like this, but she just woke up from sleeping in a hot tent and man did it do a number on her. Crazy hair Kinley!

Just eating ice cream at Grandma Joy's! YUMMUY
So I need to get the picture of me at this same age doing the same thing. Taking a swig of my mom's 32 oz drink. Flash back of me when I was little. She has her daddy's build, but looks just like me in the face lately.

Me and my dirty, cranky face girl. She is so nice and content all of the time, but man she always has this cranky face. I think her face looked dirty like this the whole camping trip. I couldn't keep her clean so I finally stopped cleaning it off and just let her get dirty.
Cooper and Kinley's favorite place to be.
They are so cute cousins even with scowls on there faces.
They had so much fun together.
Kinley you love to be outside to play. You have Crazy hair, and you have the cutest little unibrow!!!
Oh I love you! You have your front four teeth on top and bottom and you are starting to talk like crazy. You say "Thank You" so dang cute and then you laugh after cause everyone else does too. You say love you, daddy, mommy, cookie, juice, NO.... max just taught you that one.

You love playing on mom and dad's bed. Especially playing tent under the covers with Max. He always can make you laugh. You love giving hugs and kisses to us. You pucker right up and give the best kisses.
We love you baby girl and you mean the world to our family. We love your crazy , stubborn personality and your loving nature that you have. You are so content and easy going, but have this little hidden attitude. You are a beautiful daughter of heavenly father and we love to see you growing up. Always know we love you and cherish the moments we have together.

We love you more that the Stars in the sky! Mommy, dad, max, and new baby!

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